
One of the most interactive and interesting facets of internet is blogging. It has allowed even the most bashful a forum to express. As a medium of communication, interaction and learning it is quite popular with certain websites. Blogging began a couple of years ago- venting personal thoughts and important information related to topics in an ongoing chronicle order. This chronicle order called blogs, is also known as web logs. It also collects links to webpages to share thoughts and ideas with the people round the globe.

Blogging is not restricted to personal information but also focuses on topics like web design, home staging, sports, technology, family, relationships etc. The basic purpose of blogging is to simplify and accelerate the publishing process. Other common uses include knowledge sharing, communication, social interaction, self expression of thoughts, self marketing, sharing experiences, learning and building communities based on a wide scale of interests and needs. Some serious issues have been resolved with blogging. It explores and growing rapidly because of the numerous benefits it provides for the users. The key advantage is availability of quality information on a huge scale. Other benefits include socio-economic barrier elimination, filtering ideas, 24/7 availability, search engine marketing, direct communication links and brand building. Business bloggers use multiple links to increase their ranking and provide information about their products and services to a larger audience.

For business people blogging has proved to be cost effective and a convenient way of having their presence on the internet which earns higher returns. Various blogs also serve as good testimony allowing users to decide product worth. Personalizing the experience of use of products helps others to buy the same product. The internet community is close knit and some blogs provide the necessary impetus to various sectors to improve on their products.




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